Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nuts X.x

I hate japanfans, they are hell annoying. I just can't stand their 'Japan love' because hell, japan is nothing more than a country and Japanese people, as far as I know, are not gods. It makes me want to throw up each time I say 'Japan', even if it's not even the subject, just mentioning it, and they start to scream like monkeys.
Anyway, speaking of japan, I watched the first episode of 'ryuusei no kizuna', I felt pretty sad. I'm disappointed with flcl and lustmord, actually. Despite the fact I really hate flcl, I must admit he has an awesome taste in dramas and because of that I tend to pick stuff to watch when I read a positive comment by him... however, from the first episode it doesn't seem like something I'll be able to stick with for too long. I hope it'll get much better, or it'll become another unfortunate case like liar game with horrible Toda Erika and her stupid friends.
I didn't like Ninomiya in the first episode as well, maybe I'm watching too many old actors lately and my standards became higher... but I didn't see the same 'good actor' I've noticed in 'door to door'. I'd give it another chance anyway, since lustmord likes it... there must be at least something small that made her like it?...
My day was pretty neat, I'd say... nothing special like always. I almost forgot about tomorrow, which was quite funny since my husband didn't even mention it... so I could as well forget.
Most of the day I've ate, learned or insulted stupid japanfans, ah, and fangirls.
I'm starting to sound like a walking study book... since I have so much information about the 'Kalter Krieg' and the 'Bundeswehr'. I hope I'm at least getting better with German, beside learning new information... because in the end, no matter how much I know I need to figure out how to put it into words in German, and it's the hard part.
I've noticed that the more your learn, the less your brain hurts in the proses. Makes me kind of happy. Or is it only my determination that kicks the laziness away and wont let my brain suffer?
Tomorrow I'll get my first birthday present, my Mushishi manga (2nd Vol). Sadly most of my friends probably wont give me anything... and it makes me sad, but it doesn't matter since I'm bad with presents as well.
Generally, I think the best present for me now will be to pass everything and get what I want... and Finally be able to go and become the director I want to be...
For me being an actress is nothing more than passing the time, since it's fun to hang on the stage, but I feel like I'll start to grow roots and never be able to show off before my model director. I want to achieve world domination.
I wonder, why didn't I marry a director? or someone who has anything to do with the film/theater industry... in the end it is the best for my dreams...
but I guess that it doesn't matter, since I don't like getting my things too easy. That's why I'm growing fat.

1 comment:

  1. First 4 episodes of Ryuusei no Kizuna are full crap, so beware XDD But it gets better after that! :O
