Thursday, October 20, 2011
They Are Not Real Ninjas!
On the 15th October a pretty big Japanese festival (aka: Japantag) took place in Düsseldorf.
To tell the truth, I expected a lot more from this festival. The whole idea and events sounded really really nice, but in fact I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
Well, first of all, there were hell too many people. I swear, most of them were simply breathing and doing nothing major aside from standing there and taking too much place. Of course, I'm not saying you should shot all those extras who have no real function in life, but I really don't get why this festival became an otaku event.
Well, fine, it leads me to the next thing I didn't like -- it's a hell JAPANESE festival... not anima con. HELL -- there were almost no people who were not dressed up like they are in some third rated anima con... and annoyed the hell out of me.
Yes, anima is indeed a big tradition and cultural element but it's far from being the only thing in the japanese culture, and it made me really sad that people didn't get it after such a long time.
Now, basically, the event itself was pretty neat... but I wont say well organized. The workshops were randomly put around the area and the map (*cough*) was as exact as my mom trying to tell a story. Trying to search for workshops was one of the most annoying thing I could think of (so I didn't do it. Which is a huge hole in my Japantag experience).
As there was no train I noticed (as far as I remember we found one doing half the way to the coast) that took us to the river... so we had to walk all the way. The good thing was though, that some random Japanese people put their stands there... and I could happily buy things when I got 1/4 the way.
The stands on the coast however were really crowded. I remember I couldn't enter some because they were filled with people who (again) simply stood there and did nothing with themselves. I hardly found things to buy through the crowd and didn't want to waste other people's time myself (so I looked around a bit and went away, like many many people should have done x.x. Trolls).
Putting the tables 10 cm backwards could be a good solution (considering the fact you couldn't WALK x.x because of all the people).
At least I bought new things and enjoyed some good food... heard drums and pretended to be pretty (singing songs in the train, street, station, hotel, wherever :P).
If you saw a weird person singing 'the internet is for porn' along the way -- it was me. XD
There were 2 good parts I really liked. The first one (surprisingly involving cosplay) was ninjas. Ya, you heard correct -- ninjas. There were some lame guys in ninja cosplay (not naruto... just ninjas) and I COULD SEE THEM. My first thought was "They are not real ninjas" you can't hell see them.
The second, involving the festival itself were the wonderful fireworks. I generally really like them, especially when they are pretty. I expected some sailor moon firework at the end, but the super huge one that colored all the sky yellow was really pretty as well.
Enjoyed, but not sure I'll go there next year. Was a nice experience anyway! ^_^ (we had an awesome hotel btw!).
Monday, September 5, 2011
MDL Special Winners
Since I couldn't decide, as there were too many people taking part, I've decided that I'll make a small vote within the team to pick the best and later, when I'll have only 3 participants left, I'll make hideki decide in which order I should put them.
Thanks everyone for participating... all the photos were great that I couldn't pick anything I liked @~@... I liked all of them.
So, those who will be featured on my blog and next year's birthday post as the winners are (drums):
Special thanks to those who made the following MDL birthday things for our event:
Thanks everyone for participating... all the photos were great that I couldn't pick anything I liked @~@... I liked all of them.
So, those who will be featured on my blog and next year's birthday post as the winners are (drums):
First place goes to dutchviola
3rd place goes to hidde:
Special thanks to those who made the following MDL birthday things for our event:
;___; can I just put all cards here? they were so amazing... thanks everyone <3 I love you so much.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Cosplay Trolls
I was just searching for an anima character to make a cosplay of, and I was shocked to see how much hate there is towards 'bad' or 'not good enough' cosplayers. Obviously, when you create a costume, you should think of your own body, face and personality, but all those hate comments just made me sick.
First of all, everyone can cosplay in my opinion, and I don't care seeing any character being modified. From the first place, since characters are art, there are different ways people can interpret a charcter. Speaking from my own experience, there was this time where I changed the whole outfit of Vita from Nanoha to be modern and less expensive (and hard to make), obviously keeping the personality of the character and the general feeling it's giving away. Hateful comments about this matter are useless and only show how stupid people are. I'm sorry, but I think everyone have the right to represent a character whatever they like. If you think they don't look like the character, pretend they created some other character.
Now, the second thing that bothered me was this talk about people making cosplays of bad material. Sure, so a person with a part time job that should pay for an apartment and food should go and spend 6 month salary on buying good material -- not. I mean, I do think that cosplays look better with good material... but hell no, I wont ever bother buying something I can't effort. And don't go telling me not to make a cosplay, because a cosplay is not about looking like a character but acting like one.
NOW LET ME COMPLAIN ABOUT NOWADAYS COSPLAYERS -- you know, before getting on my nerves and telling people they don't look good... go look at yourself. I don't see Shinku from Rozen Maiden standing with some random guy and drinking beer at the bar because it is a hell OOC! Cosplay, dumb people, is not about looking like the character and looking good... but mainly about acting like him. Like a play, you know -- even if you look like the character from the script and put him in a complete OOC from what it is... than you WONT be this character. You can die, you can pay thousand of dollars on materials and people to make it... you simply wont be the character.
I admire cosplayers that come with a simple outfit that looks like the character and act like it rather than idiots who ruin the character not by their looks... but more with their attitude.
Aha, so I'm not saying I support 5$ cosplay, because a person will look way better in normal clothes... but I'm also saying that you should look at the effort the person put into the cosplay.
Now, another really bothersome aspect is this dilemma between asian and non asian cosplayers. Obviously, photoshop and good photographer (and camera!) can make both really really beautiful, but take things with proportion. I mean, I want to kick any idiot who says asians make better cosplayers. Why is that? because you are freaking japanfans -- that's why. That's not that asians put more effort into their cosplays, it's just that you don't really look on anything else, and I really mean it. I was on so many cons and saw so many wonderful and terrible cosplayers, both asian and non asian. There is no difference, believe me.
Fat cosplayers -- they can be really pretty. Stop trolling fat cosplayers. They should not go and lose weight, because it is hell natural to have weight. I mean, I don't mind either of them... but there are people who can not lose weight no matter how much sport they will do or whatever they'll drink. Fat is part of your body... even if you're thin you have fat. You live from some sort of fats. Stop being afraid of fat... that's like being afraid of people who don't look, talk or act like you do. Let's call all people who mock fat people 'racists' and it'll solve it. Stupid.
I must say that it's extremely hard to make a good looking cosplay for fat people because most of the anima characters are way thinner than any human being. In fact, some of them never even heard of 'bones' (good example: code geass). This puts fat people in a very very strange position: how the hell should they cosplay into... that.
That's when 'ugly cosplayers' come to the picture. They are not even ugly most of the times, it's just your idiotic phobia of fat. Stop killing yourself over it and keep an open mind.
I recommend, for fat people, to modify their cosplays a bit not only to fit the figure but to fit the whole image, because even though it is important to put the character as it is, but it's also important to make it 1. comfortable to wear 2. look good on you 3. reflect the way you see the character.
Fat people have the full right to cosplay and not pay attention to any idiots who will think their cosplay is not good enough. The fact they think so means they are immature and have no idea that 'big size' cosplay is really hard to make (as well as clothes).
Last thing before I sum stuff are the parody cosplayers. They are there to make fun of the characters, don't be harsh on them. They are not 'fail' they are consciously trying to make you mad. I'm actually pretty positive about them. They are sometimes pretty funny (but at other times not :P). They tend to go too over border even for me sometimes.
There is no age, no gender and nothing that should stop anyone from making a cosplay. Though, the person should think reasonably of their own figure, face, skin color, eye color, personality etc etc. You can modify the character into your needs, as long as it stays the same character with the same mood and behavior.
First of all, everyone can cosplay in my opinion, and I don't care seeing any character being modified. From the first place, since characters are art, there are different ways people can interpret a charcter. Speaking from my own experience, there was this time where I changed the whole outfit of Vita from Nanoha to be modern and less expensive (and hard to make), obviously keeping the personality of the character and the general feeling it's giving away. Hateful comments about this matter are useless and only show how stupid people are. I'm sorry, but I think everyone have the right to represent a character whatever they like. If you think they don't look like the character, pretend they created some other character.
Now, the second thing that bothered me was this talk about people making cosplays of bad material. Sure, so a person with a part time job that should pay for an apartment and food should go and spend 6 month salary on buying good material -- not. I mean, I do think that cosplays look better with good material... but hell no, I wont ever bother buying something I can't effort. And don't go telling me not to make a cosplay, because a cosplay is not about looking like a character but acting like one.

I admire cosplayers that come with a simple outfit that looks like the character and act like it rather than idiots who ruin the character not by their looks... but more with their attitude.

Now, another really bothersome aspect is this dilemma between asian and non asian cosplayers. Obviously, photoshop and good photographer (and camera!) can make both really really beautiful, but take things with proportion. I mean, I want to kick any idiot who says asians make better cosplayers. Why is that? because you are freaking japanfans -- that's why. That's not that asians put more effort into their cosplays, it's just that you don't really look on anything else, and I really mean it. I was on so many cons and saw so many wonderful and terrible cosplayers, both asian and non asian. There is no difference, believe me.

I must say that it's extremely hard to make a good looking cosplay for fat people because most of the anima characters are way thinner than any human being. In fact, some of them never even heard of 'bones' (good example: code geass). This puts fat people in a very very strange position: how the hell should they cosplay into... that.
That's when 'ugly cosplayers' come to the picture. They are not even ugly most of the times, it's just your idiotic phobia of fat. Stop killing yourself over it and keep an open mind.
I recommend, for fat people, to modify their cosplays a bit not only to fit the figure but to fit the whole image, because even though it is important to put the character as it is, but it's also important to make it 1. comfortable to wear 2. look good on you 3. reflect the way you see the character.
Fat people have the full right to cosplay and not pay attention to any idiots who will think their cosplay is not good enough. The fact they think so means they are immature and have no idea that 'big size' cosplay is really hard to make (as well as clothes).

There is no age, no gender and nothing that should stop anyone from making a cosplay. Though, the person should think reasonably of their own figure, face, skin color, eye color, personality etc etc. You can modify the character into your needs, as long as it stays the same character with the same mood and behavior.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Harry Poa' and the Deathly Shallows - Part 2
I thank a very nice comedian I saw lately who gave me a great idea how to call this post. You know, there are some accents around the world dropping a lot of 't' sounds (wha(t)ever), and that made me think about this great idea of raping the name Harry Potter a bit more. You know, 'Shallow' is not terrible enough to describe it.
So, let's start with the usuals. Harry Potter is still trying to kill Voldemort and for that, he is searching some bloody horcruxes. Voldemort finally realizes that his creepy life are about to end... and that's basically all that happens before the end. With a very obvious use of terribly common phrases, editions and just everything... the Harry Potter's 8th film is just a terrible, useless piece of junk.
I don't want to hurt anybody who watched this abnormally overrated thing so many years, but I truly think so many people waste their time and money. In fact, I spent no penny on watching this, and I had nothing better to do (it was this or sleeping). So I feel really really happy and proud of myself that now I'm able to write a review not only about this specific film, but about all the series.
Well, it's hard to find a place to start, but I'll talk about the books one after another, basically discussing their theme to try and express how sad I am for Harry Potter fans out there.
Yes, so the first book was basically a very nice, sweet book about a boy who is different and than he goes to a world where he is at home. That's the dream of every person... and you know what, I hate when people get blind by their feelings. The book is written terribly but it was sweet to serve little kids indeed. However, after the second book, it was pretty clear that Rowling doesn't really have any idea what she WANTS to write about, only generally that the goods win and stuff... The fourth book was the first one that showed a little development. Yay, J.K.Rowling finally got an idea about the plot. Though, the lame thing was that sadly, she used non of her ideas in the 5th book and let us go a bit earlier. No, she started to write about connections and other 'important' stuff in the 6th and 5th without really telling anything specific, just some random 'fact' or something like that (oh, and important people die, that's important you know... to kill characters and that). The 7th book was basically everything all together into a nice packing, some really bad lines and stuff happening. And than everyone dies a bit more... and happy ending with perfect picture of family standing and looking at the horizon. Obviously, with children who were called by long terrible names (I would have killed my family if they had given me such a name). Well, There was a certain theme in each book after the 5th (+1st book), so why not make it... 6 books... or even less.
Remember it this way: There is a boy named Harry, he's the boy who lived. He'll live anyway, because he's the boy who lived, not died. He tries to live normally but there is a guy wanting to kill him... and than Harry meets a few random people and makes some random friends. Random stuff happens... some action stuff... and than Harry has to fights this Voldemot guy with magic he learned in his cool school. When the time comes, Harry knows the most important stuff: There are horcruxes and than when you kill them, the main boss die. On the other hand, there are the cool item that make you a master of death... and this guy he needs to kill tries to get them. But nah, Harry potter is the boy who lived, so he has no problem. Some random action again... (Snape hook up with Harry's mum)... poof... boom... end.
If you never read Harry Potter, I just spoiled you everything you are going to read. Sorry. I am no mean to.
Now, I don't have to tells you that the movies are really trying to stay true to the book... you wont see anything else.
The good point is, like many of you would tell me probably are "the awesome special effects in Harry Potter"... ah, indeed, they are cool... special effects and stuff. My answer will be Casshern.
Can those wonderful action scenes really delete terrible acting preformed by every young actor in those series? it can't. There was one action scene in this Part 2 movie that was ruined from beginning to end because of terrible acting. I don't care a bit about action when the actors act as if they do a 5th grade play.
I wonder if they were the best ones, how were the others. They look like the characters (at least DID before growing up), but the acting point was missed.
I remember for my first play I did this mistake myself, choosing actors that look the same... but I hell hated the fact they were SO not talented and I threw them out and found better ones. I don't hell care -- not talented people shouldn't act. They are like not talented doctors. Do you want to be operated by a doctor who has no idea what he's doing? I don't, maybe you do... than I'll accept you liking them.
I can't express how happy I am that this madness is finally over... no harry potter anymore... I just hope there wont come anything worse that that... I'm too old and tired for that junk all around.
Winnie the Pooh
("Strange words I can not read")
Based on three of my favorite stories, this film actually was not disappointing at all. Of course, the pretty weird voice acting played a role of me less liking it, but I ensure you that the story was almost the same as the stories themselves.
They were put together in a good way, and mixed little elements from other stories... what made it very full with stuff going on.
The elements of the 'voice' (aka: narrator) explaining the things going on was kept, but this time a bit less... beautiful (remember the Tiger story?).
The animation itself was no less good than the other films, in fact it was as flowing as before.
The humor was the same as we know it, and I'm really happy no one raped it to be some nowadays terribly musical. It is innocent and nice, and that's the reason I like it so much... you watch it and get a pure adventure those sweet guys in their sweet world.
Exalent for those who like this Winnie the Pooh theme... but i don't know how much a person who's not open minded and can accept simple funny things like that would like it.
You silly old bear haha.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Well, I watched this movie as it was still running in our local cinema, but to tell the truth I didn't expect a lot. The Pirates time was over, and like they tried to survive, so this film did.
Basically, I'm really disappointed with Johnny Depp. Not because he did a bad performance -- I actually have to say it was good -- but the whole idea of the film... the lame try to do something out of it... was pretty useless to take part in.
This try only showed many (well, at least myself) that Johnny Depp wasn't the only one making the film so good... but more likely all the bunch of people who took part in it.
What I did like, and didn't at the same time was the idea of Pirates losing control over the world. Yes, it is a historical fact, but at the end... I wanted to see another film with Pirates winning it all and other people should die.
The whole character of Jack Sparrow was put OOC in so many points of the film that I felt really annoyed. I mean, 'fan service' reality.
We wanted to see a girl who he likes... so here she is. Yay -- I would have killed her... she's dumb like a shoe :D.
Anyhow, the story was also pretty chaotic, but I liked the opening content with someone taking Jack Sparrow's identity (really epic and stuff).
But you know, with all of this 'strong' opening, the more the story moved on (aka: love between an idiot and a mermaid)... it turned out to be another terrible cliché.
The Pirates weren't as great as before, the reason for the happening looked like the less important thing in the world.
You know those films where people kill each other, hunt a treasure, search for something... whatever it is -- there is a reason.
Unfortunately... at the end, we discovered there is NO reason. I mean, yeah, people want to be immortal... but what the hell Spain was doing there?
The cast was also not the best you can find, especially the woman Sparrow liked. She is a terrible actress who preforms forcefully and fails to deliver her character. You know what? that's the last person I would have used for that role. In the scenes where the two are together, their acting level is so different you can feel it through every line they say.
Speaking of which -- the script was terrible at certain points. The lines were taken from most common, overrated films and books out there...
I personally died even though I didn't expect anything. For me, I felt like I spent money on something I could have avoided. Too bad.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Random listing and a tiny update about new mdl
As many know or not, I stopped updating because of a certain case that is making me and hideki work twice as hard. In a way, I'm actually very thankful, and will be even happier when liars would die, or just kill themselves... whatever it is, it's good for me.
MDL V3 will be ready really soon (we release alpha project this month already) and beta will come soon after. The official version will come up with a lot of interesting, new, fresh features you never used. There is A LOT to expect.
The new MDL will have a different policy, a more mature apprentice and be a lot more user friendly. Everything you don't know will be answered in the Help center, for further questions you'll be able to send a message to the admins automatically.
Anyway, there are more other ways we made our policy different, and we hope that every one of you will be happy and pleased with everything we'll have to offer.
Thank you everyone for using MDL and I'm really happy you stayed with us that long.
Sorries now guys, but I have to put here a list of animas I have to rewatch. Sorry again:
Ins: wa = watch
low = low priority
1. Antz ✩✩
2. The Prince of Egypt
3. The Road to El Dorado✩✩✩✩
4. Chicken Run (wa)
5. Shrek
6. Spirit✩✩✩
7. Sinbad✩✩
8. Shrek 2
9. Shark Tale (low)
10. Madagascar
11. Wallace & Gromit (low)
12. Over the Hedge
13. Flushed Away (low)
14. Shrek 3 (low)
15. Bee (wa) ✩✩
16. Kung Fu Panda
17. Madagascar 2
18. Monsters vs. Aliens (low)✩
19. How to Train Your Dragon
20. Shrek 4 (low)
21. Megamind (wa)
22. Kung Fu Panda 2 (low)
23. Puss in Boots (wa)
24. A Bug's life✩✩✩✩
25. Monsters Inc. ✩✩✩
26. Finding Nemo
27. The Incredibles ✩✩✩
28. Cars (low)
29. Cars 2
30. Ratatouille
31. WALL-E
32. Up (low) ✩✩
33. Toy Story
34. Toy Story 2
35. Toy Story 3 (low)
36. Despicable Me ✩✩
Oh God, I saw some films I really don't want to have more parts of... oh well x.x too bad.
MDL V3 will be ready really soon (we release alpha project this month already) and beta will come soon after. The official version will come up with a lot of interesting, new, fresh features you never used. There is A LOT to expect.
The new MDL will have a different policy, a more mature apprentice and be a lot more user friendly. Everything you don't know will be answered in the Help center, for further questions you'll be able to send a message to the admins automatically.
Anyway, there are more other ways we made our policy different, and we hope that every one of you will be happy and pleased with everything we'll have to offer.
Thank you everyone for using MDL and I'm really happy you stayed with us that long.
Sorries now guys, but I have to put here a list of animas I have to rewatch. Sorry again:
Ins: wa = watch
low = low priority
2. The Prince of Egypt
4. Chicken Run (wa)
5. Shrek
8. Shrek 2
9. Shark Tale (low)
10. Madagascar
11. Wallace & Gromit (low)
12. Over the Hedge
13. Flushed Away (low)
14. Shrek 3 (low)
16. Kung Fu Panda
17. Madagascar 2
19. How to Train Your Dragon
20. Shrek 4 (low)
21. Megamind (wa)
22. Kung Fu Panda 2 (low)
23. Puss in Boots (wa)
25. Monsters Inc. ✩✩✩
26. Finding Nemo
28. Cars (low)
29. Cars 2
30. Ratatouille
31. WALL-E
33. Toy Story
34. Toy Story 2
35. Toy Story 3 (low)
Oh God, I saw some films I really don't want to have more parts of... oh well x.x too bad.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I'll tell you the truth, I'm actually getting really emotional on goodbyes. I mean, I don't really care for people or anything, but when it comes to say goodbye to something I feel connected to, I just feel like crying.
In fact, when I see other people saying goodbye in a certain way that makes me feel really connected, I can fully feel how they feel standing there.
Soon, I'll have to tell the old MDL goodbye and start a new circle with a better MDL, new features... a lot of work.
I can already see now how I don't have even a little bit of time for myself, and how I work all day on developing ideas and other things for the MDL V3.
I know, it'll be amazing, and every person entering it and using it will feel this way. It's a complete upgrade that has a lot more than any user could wish for. Anything you ask is just... there. Like magic.
You know, everything is turning up so well that it's hard to believe we are actually doing it. I'm amazed how strong my connection to MDL became over the 1.5 (a bit more) years I'm working on it.
I mean, hideki would call that 'a child', I believe, but for me it's like a play or a film. I don't feel like I've created it, but more like I'm taking part in it... in a huge project I'll have to be even greater to fit into.
I'm also afraid sometimes, that those shoes are too big for me... how can I be a part of such a huge project and attempt to lead it. It's just too great.
Every user becoming part of our site is for me completely magical and great. For me, seeing this numerous number of users just make my heart jump.
Are there really so many people using my website and sitting at home surfing it? that's totally crazy. I mean, I never even thought there are so many people liking drams... I wanted only a list for myself.
It's different now, though, when I know all those people and realize how huge the world out there is.
In fact, when I see other people saying goodbye in a certain way that makes me feel really connected, I can fully feel how they feel standing there.
Soon, I'll have to tell the old MDL goodbye and start a new circle with a better MDL, new features... a lot of work.
I can already see now how I don't have even a little bit of time for myself, and how I work all day on developing ideas and other things for the MDL V3.
I know, it'll be amazing, and every person entering it and using it will feel this way. It's a complete upgrade that has a lot more than any user could wish for. Anything you ask is just... there. Like magic.
You know, everything is turning up so well that it's hard to believe we are actually doing it. I'm amazed how strong my connection to MDL became over the 1.5 (a bit more) years I'm working on it.
I mean, hideki would call that 'a child', I believe, but for me it's like a play or a film. I don't feel like I've created it, but more like I'm taking part in it... in a huge project I'll have to be even greater to fit into.
I'm also afraid sometimes, that those shoes are too big for me... how can I be a part of such a huge project and attempt to lead it. It's just too great.
Every user becoming part of our site is for me completely magical and great. For me, seeing this numerous number of users just make my heart jump.
Are there really so many people using my website and sitting at home surfing it? that's totally crazy. I mean, I never even thought there are so many people liking drams... I wanted only a list for myself.
It's different now, though, when I know all those people and realize how huge the world out there is.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
MDL in Nippon Connection (land) video
Watch the video and support us as well as nippon connection and the film makers. Special thanks to the people who came with us, and all the people we met there. Another special thanks to the makers of 'karigurashi no arietti'.
Huge thanks to Ishibashi Yoshimasa for being cool.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Nippon Connection Diary
Day 5: (aka: Independent animation)
I was supposed to watch only anima, but ended up in one of the most boring films ever, but that's later.
First of all, I woke up in the morning (very original thing to do, if you ask me) and after doing nothing much I went to the con with hideki, linguist, yummy and myself (rainbow and lothiriel went to the shopping center).
Than our plan was to drop by CALF and Karigurashi no Arietti. Eventually in between we watched permanent nobara. It was one of the most boring stuff I have ever watched, really. CALF special wasn't too amazing at all for me. I mean, it was very original and nice... but I can't watch such a heavy material for so long. Also the blinking screen killed my eyes. I can't stand so many colors and eventually had to go out just before the end because I couldn't stand it anymore (I'm sorry :<).
We went to hear the animation talk with the CALF people (who were very nice btw). They are very personal people, I must say. I wrote everything down and will probably include that in the mdl journal and clips we are about to publish.
We ate a lot of stuff, and I'll have to buy presents as soon as possible. I already have 2 dvds for myself :P.
You know what made me sick during the con? the fact that even though they claim it's an international film festival, they sell dvds with German dub. Tell me, who the hell... from wherever... will understand German? Is it so hard to understand that they should sell dvds with english subs and jap voice? stupid stupid. I mean, there were some, but let's say... each 1 of 10 was in English (and there was a really small amount of them).
I wanted to buy dvds of the films I saw at the festival :<... too bad.
Nippon Connection Diary
Day 4: (aka: bah, when life give you apples, check they are not rotten)
Today was a very weird day actually, considering the fact I felt sick, rainbow lost her cellphone and we had to buy a new one etc. I was annoyed the whole day and wanted to throw someone under the train. You know, that kind of feeling.
First thing at the morning for me was to realize I don't have anymore credit. At all. Afterwards, I watched midoriko and liked it, but not as much as I expected. Cold Fish was also terribly bizarre. I watched it already though, it made me want to throw up for the whole day.
But you know, I've learned one important thing. After watching something bad... even if you feel like dying of it, go watch something fun. Milocrorze was truly awesome. The director was inspiring as well.
I was so tired... omg... I could not believe, after we ended the talk with the directors of dumbeast and milocrorze, how red were my eyes. I looked like a half dead bunny, not a penguin.
At least I got more pictures... and autographs. I also ate ramena and other japanese stuff. I'm going to eat more though, and buy dvd.
Oh, right, I lost my dvd on the 27, and I thought I'll kill this idiot who moved my stuff... but eventually he found it, so I'm happy. More dvds and posters! I want. gah.
p.s Today we got a lothiriel and some linguist. Let's put a creepy smiley to welcome them.
Nippon Connection Diary
Day 3: (aka: omg I got my new shoes)
Well, news is that I finally got my shoes, and am able to walk again without feeling endless pain in my feet. I rate my shoes 10 of 10 even after a while now, they are awesome.
This was the last day we had to clean stuff and make unnecessary effort. This was my first day to meet the person in charge of the helpers, was very pleasant to see him at some point. I almost thought he wouldn't come, you know?
Basically, this was the first day of the con, and finally he showed up. Big news is that nothing was organized even after he came... so I have no idea what's the big difference anyway.
It was really visible on the beginning film time at the first day. To start the film one hour after it was planned? well that's rude :P
Anyway, after we washed some windows I wanted to kill somebody and we returned to the hotel.
The day was really long actually, we had to pick yummy and rainbow... and also watch stuff in between. I was actually able to watch a film, I'm so proud of myself. For a while at least I'll be one of the only people to watch it, and that makes me very happy in a way.
After watching the film, in a very surreal way, we went together with yummy to stalk a director. I got my autograph muhaha (and a pic... omg... we list a director with no pic on any other site around the net <3).
Eventually, I returned very tired into the hotel... but that was pretty surreal. I mean, when I went out of the film room I felt like I have no idea where I am... I don't like watching stuff with other people, I get scared haha.
Another fine point about the 27.4 was that I finally ate 'all you can eat' food. I ate more than I paid :P
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Nippon Connection Diary
Day 2: (aka: haha, my hypothesis was correct)
Well, waking up in the morning and going to the con pretty early was a good idea, but hideki had to go somewhere so we ended up coming at 12. That's awesome though, we did much more than yesterday and weren't as tired... I suppose. Later, when we returned home I went to sleep right away after we ate. This trip really gives me the love for food again -- work, almost no food, food... that's so awesome.
Anyway, around the con nothing happened in the while we were absent. One thing for sure, the people around there started to be worried because a few staff never came to work there (aka: the person who is in charge of the helpfers). Actually, I suppose they were more... but that was mainly the one that annoyed me.
I got to see the staff being really annoyed to the point they wanted to kick someone because this very nice man didn't do his job. Eventually, they understood he's not going to come at all, probably, and put someone else to write a random list of helpers, probably too late to really record anything... but nah.
Now let's see... beside the fact I was right and their organization was pretty fail, they are pretty nice and cuddly people. Doesn't help them much for my impression, but nah, they are lovely.
We helped with a few stuff, the one I remember best were the huge trees we had to bring from the entering hall to the first floor, gah... I could kill the person who told me to do it.......... really.
Anyhow, hideki and I noticed helpers do not really get 'food' or anything, they get leftovers from the staff room (which has EVERYTHING) and some random low quality instant noodles. I'm not complaining, I gladly eat SOMETHING, but I thought that when they write "we are responsible for bringing warm food and drinks to the helper", you get the wrong impression. Well, I guess if they wrote "we are giving you junk food and instant noodles" no one would help them haha.
It also took too long until we got our ID CARDS. I'm sorry, we still don't have them -- they promised to give them today, hopefully they will.
Anyhow, we met rather interesting people at the con. Really lovely ones. What most important is, that I found my favorite room -- the gaming room.
I know, I know... I hate it in a way, but it has this awesome feeling to it... idk...
Another hard day at the con is waiting: Taking yummy and rainbow. Come on gals, let's kill hideki haha.
p.s there are too many Commerzbank in Frankfurt.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Nippon Connection Diary
Day 1: (aka: OMG my shoes killed me)
First of all, we woke up around 6am and went on the train (oh God, I was so nervous that it wont come in time). Afterwards, it wasn't a long way (let me correct myself, it was behind the train station) until we got to the con area.
Pretty lovely, yet so far from being done. We went in with all our stuff and eventually found place for everything.
I still like this concept of creating cons and such. Not the financial part, organizing everything etc. I just like the building of everything. I wish to build more (aka: I have too much spare energy haha).
You know what were the two only things ruining my day completely? First thing, my shoes. GOD, they are really nice, look good etc... but to wear them the whole day? is that's a joke? the are 4-3 cm I think... it's hell. I just took them off while helping at the con. Haha, oh how pretty it looked actually, running around without shoes. However, it was long before I realized I actually should put them on again... that's later though.
Second thing annoying me was (I'm not trying to say something bad or anything, just pointing out) the complete chaos going around the con. I still didn't get my card saying who I am because no one else could do that beside someone who seemed too lazy to come yesterday.
We had to ask about 6 times before someone even had the idea of asking him where he is and if he's even coming. The people in the office seemed to be friendly chatting instead of doing something productive (idk, maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed so at least).
All this created some sort of chaotic athmosphere that was very very hard to handle with. I just can't seem to like things unorganized.
What leads me to the next point. You know that hideki didn't really think of writing down how to come from the con to the hotel? that was amusing. After putting posters on doors, cleaning, helping around a bit with painting, more cleaning and killing hords of dried paint from stuff... we eventually ended our shift and went out with all our stuff.
The most awesome question came afterwards: "where the hell is our hotel". When we finally found a city map, we discovered it was such a small street it wasn't on it at all.
Plan B: we'll ask people. How lovely it is, when you ask someone something and 99% of them are not even living there?
First time I saw a city where you can never find anyone LIVING there. I saw houses and I was wondering whether they are hotels or something haha.
Thanks to the power of scary people, we finally found our hotel when a creepy person with gangster face (who was really nice actually, despite his looks) told us where it is.
Haha, there wont be any hidden commercial here, but we were in Meininger Hotel. A very lovely place actually. Really cheap I must say, pretty nicely designed, not far away from everything yet not too close as well. It has a bit of everything... food, snooker, music, Internet (also free one omg), pretty rooms with a very serious complex towards helping nature and it's very quite.
I feel like I'll be happy to stay here for a while, it's very comforting and there is a guy in the reception who can speak a lot of languages (I wonder if he can speak Finnish). I respect his as a person haha.
Let's see, after we came into the hotel I took a bath 20 times I think, because it's free (omg! I'm such a terrible person). My legs weren't dead anymore and after a while we went out again (to kill my legs some more).
I must recommend (I don't remember the name, sorry. I'll look it later), near the hotel there is a great Chinese restaurant where we ate evening. It was gorgeous. They have the most awesome food I ever ate in my whole life (maybe I was just really hungry? Oo). Their fish with bittersweet sauce was the final bow. I'm in love with this thing. Also, they had awesome chopsticks that you can actually eat with again haha.
I died some more on the way home, but this was the end of the first day. I must say I had fun being at the con... that was kind of nostalgic for me, all this making of cons and such. Haven't done it for a while.
p.s omg, I'm happy we came here before everyone else from the mdl meeting, because I don't wanna imagine myself going around with more people and dying. Awkward :P.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
MDL in Nippon Connection (land)
Timetable is now available.
Download it: Here
Read about on: MDL
Pick yourself whatever you want to watch and have fun.
We will be there, and you can meet us if you want (drop by my profile or hideki's and we might have time to see you ;P).
I will be selling MDL shirts, if anyone wants (even if you're not coming to the con and want to buy one) contact me privately ^_^.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Filters and search pretty much done
That's how filters are going to look and work.
- Search by: all titles, dramas (also films), animas, people, users, characters.
- Order by: ascending, descending, score, popularity, recently added.
- Listing by: is/is not on my list, on my friends list.
- Medium, country, episodes, year, genres.
- Actors and staff (by entering their name, mdl will show you a dropdown of possible names).
Search is also pretty much done, it'll how it'll look. You options, like said before will be pretty nice.
- Instant search (searches as you write in the upper menu, you can remove your search).
- Shows results (how many).
- Navigate between pages.
- See year, rating, synopsis, poster, genres, type
- See 'on my list' or 'not on my list'
- See 'on my friend's list' or not.
- Use filters.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Rebecca Black -- Friday
It's definitely the most educational song I came across in the past years.
Now let's get real, after I lost one of my best mocking lines ever, I'll just move back to being serious.
You know, I wont tell you anything about poetry, educational messages and the fact those 13 years old guys are driving a car... but I want to speak about the very intellectual statement she's trying to sing about.
You know, she's trying to say that Friday is the day where all people should sit in their car, and go party somewhere. We all should just sit in our car, have an inner conflict about the sit we are going to take and just PARTY. Can't you see how smart this message is? Next Friday, I'll definitely go with her to some party, since her friend is on the right.
No, now seriously it's one of the most terrible things I've ever seen. I fail to say anything good about this... I don't know how to call it. I'm afraid to call it 'music', since it's not. Maybe I'll call it 'noise', ya, I'll go with this one. This noise is one of the most terrible musical works I've heard in the past few... I don't know. How the hell did the music get that low? leave the part that this girl can't sing, at all, she can't make music as well.
But best part to laugh at about her song is the lyrics. You know, I'll just post some parts of the lyrics here and write a short comment about it.
(Yeah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
Oh-oh-oh, oh yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
best part about this song ^_^
7 a.m., waking up in the morning
Got to be fresh, got to go downstairs
Got to have my bowl, got to have cereal
Seeing everything, the time is going
Ticking on and on, everybody’s rushing
Got to get down to the bus stop
Got to catch my bus, I see my friends
Ok, so it is like this. She's waking up in the morning... pretty much like I wake up in the morning when someone jump on my belly. Afterwards, she sings about other really poetical stuff that are just too long to explain, too wonderful to understand etc. You see, Seeing everything, the time is going, is probably the best line to show how pointless the lyrics is (aha, and all the other lines as well). Can someone explain to me... what the hell does it even mean? For me it's like 'blablabla something to fill the noise'.
And than happens something I would never ever imagine could happen. She's waiting at the bus stop for the bus but than she see her friends... and than she doesn't need the bus stop anymore? How does that, for the holly bottles make sense? 'Ya, I was waiting for the bus, but than I saw my friends... and than I just forgot about the bus. Oh, well, IT'S FRIDAY!'.
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
That's a hard question. I wonder, which sit can she take, if the two front sits are taken...?
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it
And we got that, and they got this and she got him? I mean, what do I have?... what do you have... what? I'm confused. If my friend is by my right, so who the hell is the other girl who I'm hugging by my left? I don't know anything!!! *panic*
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We so excited. Let's look at it grammatically, you know... like... English. We so excited is written in Rebecca Black tense, which is a tense where you should remove all personal verb form like 'is', 'are', 'will' etc. You know, all forms of 'to be'. Just write the person and the verb, it's really easy. Some examples: "you so funny", "he so lovely", "cat drinking" etc. Even better will be if you'll say it two times -- in that case you should triple the first word, 'we we we'.
It's not good as a pop song, not even as trash. I would not pay to listen to it, and I would throw imaginary rocks at her if I see her on the street. Know what, she's so bad I probably wont even recognize her.
It was Random chan, who just wrote 'Ranma' instead of Random chan and deleted it because it's really stupid... wait, that was long let's try again. (btw, you can sing it together with Rebecca Black's song, it fall really good with the music). Try it.
It was Random chan who gives this noise review for fara. I love you guys, stop listening to junk ^.^.
p.s omg, my Shallows review was longer. bi.
It's Friday, Friday.
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.
Today is Friday, Friday.
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards.
When one of my cousins will have a child, I'll be sure to recommend this song.Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.
Today is Friday, Friday.
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards.
Now let's get real, after I lost one of my best mocking lines ever, I'll just move back to being serious.
You know, I wont tell you anything about poetry, educational messages and the fact those 13 years old guys are driving a car... but I want to speak about the very intellectual statement she's trying to sing about.
You know, she's trying to say that Friday is the day where all people should sit in their car, and go party somewhere. We all should just sit in our car, have an inner conflict about the sit we are going to take and just PARTY. Can't you see how smart this message is? Next Friday, I'll definitely go with her to some party, since her friend is on the right.
No, now seriously it's one of the most terrible things I've ever seen. I fail to say anything good about this... I don't know how to call it. I'm afraid to call it 'music', since it's not. Maybe I'll call it 'noise', ya, I'll go with this one. This noise is one of the most terrible musical works I've heard in the past few... I don't know. How the hell did the music get that low? leave the part that this girl can't sing, at all, she can't make music as well.
But best part to laugh at about her song is the lyrics. You know, I'll just post some parts of the lyrics here and write a short comment about it.
(Yeah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
Oh-oh-oh, oh yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
best part about this song ^_^
7 a.m., waking up in the morning
Got to be fresh, got to go downstairs
Got to have my bowl, got to have cereal
Seeing everything, the time is going
Ticking on and on, everybody’s rushing
Got to get down to the bus stop
Got to catch my bus, I see my friends
Ok, so it is like this. She's waking up in the morning... pretty much like I wake up in the morning when someone jump on my belly. Afterwards, she sings about other really poetical stuff that are just too long to explain, too wonderful to understand etc. You see, Seeing everything, the time is going, is probably the best line to show how pointless the lyrics is (aha, and all the other lines as well). Can someone explain to me... what the hell does it even mean? For me it's like 'blablabla something to fill the noise'.
And than happens something I would never ever imagine could happen. She's waiting at the bus stop for the bus but than she see her friends... and than she doesn't need the bus stop anymore? How does that, for the holly bottles make sense? 'Ya, I was waiting for the bus, but than I saw my friends... and than I just forgot about the bus. Oh, well, IT'S FRIDAY!'.
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
That's a hard question. I wonder, which sit can she take, if the two front sits are taken...?
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it
And we got that, and they got this and she got him? I mean, what do I have?... what do you have... what? I'm confused. If my friend is by my right, so who the hell is the other girl who I'm hugging by my left? I don't know anything!!! *panic*
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We so excited. Let's look at it grammatically, you know... like... English. We so excited is written in Rebecca Black tense, which is a tense where you should remove all personal verb form like 'is', 'are', 'will' etc. You know, all forms of 'to be'. Just write the person and the verb, it's really easy. Some examples: "you so funny", "he so lovely", "cat drinking" etc. Even better will be if you'll say it two times -- in that case you should triple the first word, 'we we we'.
It's not good as a pop song, not even as trash. I would not pay to listen to it, and I would throw imaginary rocks at her if I see her on the street. Know what, she's so bad I probably wont even recognize her.
It was Random chan, who just wrote 'Ranma' instead of Random chan and deleted it because it's really stupid... wait, that was long let's try again. (btw, you can sing it together with Rebecca Black's song, it fall really good with the music). Try it.
It was Random chan who gives this noise review for fara. I love you guys, stop listening to junk ^.^.
p.s omg, my Shallows review was longer. bi.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Information theft from by an iphone app
Today, we were reported about an iphone app that uses the entire mdl database. This app costs money.
It copied pictures, information but mainly (what stands also in our site under protection policy) synopses.
We reported the issue and hope it'll be deal with. If not, we will start to act on our own, firstly by blocking requests from iphone devices and/or any other devices using such programs.
Stealing something on the Internet is like stealing in real life. This database was earned by hard work and lot of time. We appreciate our users and think it is terrible to do such a thing. We wont go lightly on it.
Read More Here
It copied pictures, information but mainly (what stands also in our site under protection policy) synopses.
We reported the issue and hope it'll be deal with. If not, we will start to act on our own, firstly by blocking requests from iphone devices and/or any other devices using such programs.
Stealing something on the Internet is like stealing in real life. This database was earned by hard work and lot of time. We appreciate our users and think it is terrible to do such a thing. We wont go lightly on it.
Read More Here
Advanced Search
Those are not all the filters, they are only being worked on.
- Search by type: Animas, Dramas, People, Characters, Users (later other things as well).
- Search by medium: Film, TV, etc.
- Search by Actors and Staff.
- Search by general info.
- The search will allow you to pick many genres, many cases (as you can see on the picture) and many different combinations.
- Instant search. The second you pick something it'll write it under the search, and search by it. You can pick 'is' and 'is not' together (see picture).
Sunday, March 20, 2011
- Screencaps from shows and films.
- Featuring only pictures from the first episode.
- Three alternating screenshots.
- Adding by episode (1, 2, 3...) / part of film (beginning, middle, end)
Friday, March 18, 2011
That's how our sketches look
Well, that's our idea for the menu above.
Search + three nice bottoms (will look different, probably).
Search + three nice bottoms (will look different, probably).
- Search will search when you type, but you'll be actually able to sort even before by the type you want to search. Just click (+) for drop down menu).
- FAQ will be updated, with a whole guide of 'how to use mdl'. Pictures, answers etc etc.
- About will contain a few new CC rules, information, credits, and everything that has to do a major part with the site's info.
- Guidelines will be updates into a better format, maybe with a few explanations as well.
- The comic will have its own place on the main page, so it does not show at the upper bar.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Final Design and a Few New Features
After a long time with no posts, I show you
final results of the new design for mdlv3.
That's how this babe is going to look, but we
are currently working on the upper menu search
design and looks. Soon we'll be done with it.
To encourage you for new ideas, I'll list here
new features we already have in the brand new version:
final results of the new design for mdlv3.
That's how this babe is going to look, but we
are currently working on the upper menu search
design and looks. Soon we'll be done with it.
To encourage you for new ideas, I'll list here
new features we already have in the brand new version:
- Instant Search. Searches as you write.
- Instant Filters. Filters to your wish.
- Screencaps. Add screen shots to titles.
- New Menu. Focusing on your lists more
than before - Drama Share With Friends. See what your
friends watched, and what they didn't without
looking directly at their profiles.
Those are the features mostly completed
and will be available on the new site.
Big thanks for lustmord who helped us
figure out the upper menu problem, and we'll
work hard to develop it and make it look nice.
Now before I end this post, I wish to give Random Chan Day cards awards: (7.3.11)
Here will be all the best cards I've got ^_^.
First Place In Category Cute Card: rainbow
and will be available on the new site.
Big thanks for lustmord who helped us
figure out the upper menu problem, and we'll
work hard to develop it and make it look nice.
Now before I end this post, I wish to give Random Chan Day cards awards: (7.3.11)
Here will be all the best cards I've got ^_^.
First Place In Category Cute Card: rainbow

First Place In Category Looks Like Me Card: fara

First Place In Category Motivating Card: chentse

First Place In Category True Card: lothiriel
First Place In Category Unique Card: spluffen
First Place In Category Disturbing Card: kematic

First Place In Category Quoting Card: fara (second prize? O_O)
Thank you for all of your cards. (gives hug to everyone). Remember, Little Men Love Robots (I don't want to know how this user got my darkest secret, but I'll be sure to pay back. You yet to see my wrath).
linguist: "hideki is holding a gun on linguist's forehead"
junho1582: "May I give you a hug?"
buybites: "SIR - I was delighted to see that today is a day celebrating the randomness of Random Chan..."
honey: "*haha* Bye ^^"
chrizolina: "I think I should write a letter to the Bulgarian president and tell him that he have to call you and wish you a happy Random chan day"
irate: "i bet you like rabbits, skiing and yoghurt"
komorebi: "it's 23:55, so it's totally still Random-chan day! :D Well then....happy Random-chan day"
kematic: "you're mdl user #9. THE VERY LAST SINGLE-DIGIT NUMBER"
dallon: "You are awesome because You will be born in about 10 years from now."
komorebi: "I heard it's nice in cockroach heaven"
Sunday, February 13, 2011
As you can see, we were breaking our brains on a new logo (which we quite... found... but it's not 100% what we wanted.......) anyway, in the process of half dying half wanting to throw up... we got this design (not real, btw...)
I'm GOD. You're NOT.
I'm GOD. You're NOT.
Interesting Question: When will the 'Random Chan' day be celebrated?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Double Animation Sandwich.
Ouch. In the past two days I've seen two pretty recent lame animations. I must correct myself -- THEY ARE LAME.

(have you seen 'Planet 51'? isn't it American?)
Hear it out: An American astronaut lands on some planet inhabited by green people without noses and genitals (aka: aliens). The first thing he does? well, he puts the American flag of course. What's happening later...? that's a good question -- some random events probably involving aliens who think (how surprising) that the human being is actually able to control their brains. They even know what 'zombie' means...
Is it supposed to be a children movie? I mean, it is a film for children, but in the end... it gives nothing. It has not a little bit of originality or humor. I couldn't keep watching it since it was so boring. You may say that I'm too old for it, but hell, I'm watching DD without even thinking it's stupid... and I adore Disney movies, so why would I not like a movie, rated for children... about stupid aliens and Americans... and secret bases and a stupid crazy doctor... and a girl.
I must say, the graphics are ok though, I mean, nothing special and nothing too wonderful. I'm happy at least that was good enough about this film, but again... it wasn't my style. I'm totally not into computer animation type... sorries. They just look so lame and blank most of the time. The last computer graphics film I saw was 'Tangled', oh how funny it was :)... nothing like this film, this one is just another junk.
It's just a bubble gum which we already ate... and ate... and ate... we have seen this plot already, the same jokes, the same concept in a better presentation. I find this one as a fail though.

(nah, face it, Arthur is just hotter than you are)
Is it supposed to be a children movie? I mean, it is a film for children, but in the end... it gives nothing. It has not a little bit of originality or humor. I couldn't keep watching it since it was so boring. You may say that I'm too old for it, but hell, I'm watching DD without even thinking it's stupid... and I adore Disney movies, so why would I not like a movie, rated for children... about stupid aliens and Americans... and secret bases and a stupid crazy doctor... and a girl.
I must say, the graphics are ok though, I mean, nothing special and nothing too wonderful. I'm happy at least that was good enough about this film, but again... it wasn't my style. I'm totally not into computer animation type... sorries. They just look so lame and blank most of the time. The last computer graphics film I saw was 'Tangled', oh how funny it was :)... nothing like this film, this one is just another junk.
It's just a bubble gum which we already ate... and ate... and ate... we have seen this plot already, the same jokes, the same concept in a better presentation. I find this one as a fail though.

(nah, face it, Arthur is just hotter than you are)
What the hell was wrong with the 'Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard' film? I mean, the first film was a nice half comic fantasy film... and this one was... I don't know... I wont even call it an epic fail. It wasn't epic at all.
I mean, thinking back, it was just a bunch of really bad jokes, really fast made film with hope that they will get enough money from it to make another film.
The first film wasn't too good, but enjoyable enough so I'll get a little interest in the second one, however this part... gah... they just had nothing to put there. The villain from the previous film returns (2 seconds before the film ends) and until than nothing is going on... at all. Everything was just random events with nothing too much in common, just like that. It passed by, and so 90 minutes of my life. The animation was different, and not on the good hand... everything was not on the good hand at all. Looks to me like a cheap excuse to get attention? doesn't matter though. Go watch Tangled kitties. It's so cute <3!
I mean, thinking back, it was just a bunch of really bad jokes, really fast made film with hope that they will get enough money from it to make another film.
The first film wasn't too good, but enjoyable enough so I'll get a little interest in the second one, however this part... gah... they just had nothing to put there. The villain from the previous film returns (2 seconds before the film ends) and until than nothing is going on... at all. Everything was just random events with nothing too much in common, just like that. It passed by, and so 90 minutes of my life. The animation was different, and not on the good hand... everything was not on the good hand at all. Looks to me like a cheap excuse to get attention? doesn't matter though. Go watch Tangled kitties. It's so cute <3!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Well, I guess everything ends up the same. Everything fades slowly and the time changes without me noticing. Somehow, I don't even feel sad about it, because it doesn't matter anyway.
Why do people can't be friends, just like this?
Why do people can't be friends, just like this?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Life, or something like this?
I've been wondering for a few seconds -- this weird thought crossed my mind: what the hell am I doing? I remembered my parents, that day when I kind of told them I'm not going to be any business woman, doctor or an architect. I remember how disappointed they were at that time, since I was learning law and looked pretty inspired. They hoped, probably, that their daughter will be like everyone else.
That may sound a bit crazy, I guess. "Why didn't you give birth to a normal child?", may cross those minds of the mothers who have a special child.
A normal child is rather easy to grow up; can follow a goal and be happy with what being achieved. However, thinking about this saying, I feel quite dirty, why was I born at all?
I mean, I have nothing against my ways of thinking, but sometimes they are so hard... so impossible. Wouldn't it be really easy not taking the crazy, completely random and fun pass? just, you know, live your life with regrets in some office and think to yourself: "what if"? Everyone does it, probably.
"I want money", "I want to look good when I face people", "I want to feel like I have everything I need with a good job and a good salary"... Not blaming anyone, but I find those pretty sentences blank like a lie. For me, it doesn't matter which type of life I live, it matters how I live.
I would go with working in the office, but I don't like it at all. I mean, I'm not being myself for any second of my being. Speaking to every person, I get a different character, a different color, a different tone... I'm feeling like a cloud. Would someone really stand living like this?
For me, the stage, my stage is precious... it knows me, I know it. Something like that. I feel like the only place I can be myself will be the stage.
I hate people, hate being in front of them... but I like this magical world in which for the first time I could be myself without anyone noticing. Just a small, little drop in the whole big mess around. Undercover life, undercover existence and one chance to feel like I forgot everything and became a rose.
That may sound a bit crazy, I guess. "Why didn't you give birth to a normal child?", may cross those minds of the mothers who have a special child.
A normal child is rather easy to grow up; can follow a goal and be happy with what being achieved. However, thinking about this saying, I feel quite dirty, why was I born at all?
I mean, I have nothing against my ways of thinking, but sometimes they are so hard... so impossible. Wouldn't it be really easy not taking the crazy, completely random and fun pass? just, you know, live your life with regrets in some office and think to yourself: "what if"? Everyone does it, probably.
"I want money", "I want to look good when I face people", "I want to feel like I have everything I need with a good job and a good salary"... Not blaming anyone, but I find those pretty sentences blank like a lie. For me, it doesn't matter which type of life I live, it matters how I live.
I would go with working in the office, but I don't like it at all. I mean, I'm not being myself for any second of my being. Speaking to every person, I get a different character, a different color, a different tone... I'm feeling like a cloud. Would someone really stand living like this?
For me, the stage, my stage is precious... it knows me, I know it. Something like that. I feel like the only place I can be myself will be the stage.
I hate people, hate being in front of them... but I like this magical world in which for the first time I could be myself without anyone noticing. Just a small, little drop in the whole big mess around. Undercover life, undercover existence and one chance to feel like I forgot everything and became a rose.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Tourist
The movie who passed by and did such a bad impression on my vocabulary that it couldn't stand under the pressure.
Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie? Surprisingly, it was very bad... who would have thought?...
The chemistry between the two actors was, to tell the truth, really bad. For the first impression, you might see a little light in the darkness, but that's only a sweet, too sweet illusion. Oh, by the way, did anyone notice Angelina Jolie isn't able (at all) to create an atmosphere? She's just there to be pretty and wear dresses.
It looked really bad, and the director must die in shame. How can a person, who directs a movie that is going to come to the cinema (maybe it was an accident, I don't know), direct something that looks so bad? I mean, I don't know how much money they put into it, but it looked just a bit better than a movie made by a fan camera... dropping in different places around France.
A big joke actually, some inner joke that shouldn't go out of the 'fanmade' innerhalb I understand though, it's kind of fun for such big actors to take part in that sort of 'fun movie'.
I must pay attention to something Angelina Jolie actually said about her clothes at this movie, "It was odd for me, at first I felt like a little girl dressed up in my mom's clothes', She is right. It looked horrible. They dressed her up and she was always wearing something else. Always. I almost felt creepy about the fact the stylist used her as a moving doll.
I tell you, my first though was about those fanmade films where people just try to put different things and see what comes. Let's say that most of those films are not good, far from being good as well as far from being screened at the cinema.
Speaking about the plot... let's not do it, since it'll become an essay about stupid people and bad writers who believe they are something... Let's just imagine that we'd gone to a movie with a lame script and Russian gangsters all around? Agents? Criminals? Money? oh ya, and really shot cliché lines in between... wouldn't it be sweet?
Nah, that's worth watching only if you're from those who'll spend even 50 dollars on seeing the nose of either of the main actors. Elsewhat? just ignore it, it doesn't even worth it. But I must agree it looked like they had fun making it. Let's clap our hands really high and say -- YES! HAVE FUN PEOPLE. KEEP GIVING US JUNK.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
(He's coming.)
Yay for movies with Nicolas Cage! I was so way to exited to watch another movie where the awesome super awesome Nucolas Cage takes part! Since the movie where he did it through the end of the world and got not even one wound from it, I've decided to call him 'Nicolas Cage, The Untouchable' (in the spirit of yesterdays anima 'freezing'). No, I'm not serious of course, and I'm even less serious about Nicolas Cage being awesome. He just has this kind of face of... 'what the hell is happening' all the time, that makes me laugh again and again.
So, what was in this film? special effects, physics, Nicolas Cage and some other (not so important) people. I almost believe Nicolas Cage will die in this film, nah, too bad. Now back to being serious, this movie was nothing special but wasn't that half bad for a nowadays movie. It had everything you want: action, cars, sorcerers, witch and a nerd who is in love with a super hot (blone) girl, do you have anything to complain about? well I do, the main guy's acting (no, Nicolas Cage wasn't the main guy) was so bad. I mean, he looked like those poor actors dropped into some crazy unbelievable role. I say, maybe he's suited for high school films, but not for something more than acting like an idiot and doing thingy things with girls (which were the only scenes he could hardly manage around with his character).
Balthazar... ah... I like that name, makes me wanna hug the awesome hair on Nicolas Cage's head. He was pretty nice in the very manly shoes of a sorcerer. However, I was quite disappointed in many aspects, because hell... he can act, in his own way. What has gone through his mind when he stood there and did a completely average job? now I don't like Nicolas Cage anymore, since he's just as anyone else... going with the flow. No, not really, I'll just blame it on this bad made movie. After all, in 'Alice in wonderland' Johnny Depp looked like a total retarded.
Dropping out the very lame jokes and every lame name they gave things ('prime merlinian'?), the plot wasn't even worth watching. It looked like some mix between a horrible American movie about magic and a gangster film.
BUT! -- and I must put this 'but' here, since today I'm really positive because I had a 'pretty day' -- I should say children would enjoy this film (probably), and with your own good sense of humor along (screaming 'omg! that's Nicolas Cage' all the time might be fun as well), this might as well turn out to be pretty funny.
No, not because there's anything about it... just put Nicolas Cage in any possible film and I'll laugh like hell, really, it's something about his face.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
GOD! that was a horrible experience for me... one of the most annoying, paining and making you feel sick things in the world!
It's not that the movie was that bad, but hell, why for heaven's fails would every movie be done in 3D? tell me, what is the thing behind it? don't you have enough imagination in your idiotic brain to feel as if you're in the movie? Are you an idiot? no? I'm happy, since 3D shouldn't be for you than. What the hell wrong with people? don't they try using their brain?
I hate 3D, since I mostly can't watch it anyway, and this was one of the most horrible times I had. I thought for the length of the whole movie that my head is going to explode and I swear I was fighting with myself not to throw up everywhere. So many colors, so many effects... so much 3D... I swear, I'll never make a 3D movie... even if i'll die from hunger. I'm not going to take part in one, and also not going to make any -- if you're too hell dumb to watch, you can die. Really.
Now, since I feel a bit better (my head is spinning like hell, but I'll live), I'll be able to say a little word about the movie itself (since I missed the most part of it, and I'm going to watch it again NOT IN 3D).
It had nice visual effects and interesting action, but the dialogs were horribly output and as I assumed also really rushed. They are going to make more movies anyway, so why bother and rush everything so much?
The actors, sadly, are nothing more than average, as they were before. Sadly, even the main cast didn't improve or anything, they just stayed completely the same.
I must say that Narnia is one of those books I'd like to hit the author really hard for and tell him how much I hate him and want him to suffer. It's so unfair, annoying and disturbing. I like it, no offense, but I don't think that it's a book for children at all. I remember myself as a child reading the first book and crying for about two weeks, before they took me to the hospital since I said I wont drink anymore.
I wont say they made the movie good enough than, since I had no horrible emotions, I cried a bit in the end... but mostly pained from my head ache. I hate 3D.
Noting to myself again, people are junk. Why? Since every review, every comment and EVERY possible person seeing this movie has compared it to Harry Potter. ARE YOU NUTS PEOPLE?! Harry potter, like I said before, is not your life... maybe you just suffer from a serious complex. Face it, it's not the world. And Narnia was there way before, for example, don't compare it to this junk, please.
It's not that the movie was that bad, but hell, why for heaven's fails would every movie be done in 3D? tell me, what is the thing behind it? don't you have enough imagination in your idiotic brain to feel as if you're in the movie? Are you an idiot? no? I'm happy, since 3D shouldn't be for you than. What the hell wrong with people? don't they try using their brain?
I hate 3D, since I mostly can't watch it anyway, and this was one of the most horrible times I had. I thought for the length of the whole movie that my head is going to explode and I swear I was fighting with myself not to throw up everywhere. So many colors, so many effects... so much 3D... I swear, I'll never make a 3D movie... even if i'll die from hunger. I'm not going to take part in one, and also not going to make any -- if you're too hell dumb to watch, you can die. Really.
Now, since I feel a bit better (my head is spinning like hell, but I'll live), I'll be able to say a little word about the movie itself (since I missed the most part of it, and I'm going to watch it again NOT IN 3D).
It had nice visual effects and interesting action, but the dialogs were horribly output and as I assumed also really rushed. They are going to make more movies anyway, so why bother and rush everything so much?
The actors, sadly, are nothing more than average, as they were before. Sadly, even the main cast didn't improve or anything, they just stayed completely the same.
I must say that Narnia is one of those books I'd like to hit the author really hard for and tell him how much I hate him and want him to suffer. It's so unfair, annoying and disturbing. I like it, no offense, but I don't think that it's a book for children at all. I remember myself as a child reading the first book and crying for about two weeks, before they took me to the hospital since I said I wont drink anymore.
I wont say they made the movie good enough than, since I had no horrible emotions, I cried a bit in the end... but mostly pained from my head ache. I hate 3D.
Noting to myself again, people are junk. Why? Since every review, every comment and EVERY possible person seeing this movie has compared it to Harry Potter. ARE YOU NUTS PEOPLE?! Harry potter, like I said before, is not your life... maybe you just suffer from a serious complex. Face it, it's not the world. And Narnia was there way before, for example, don't compare it to this junk, please.
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