Thursday, December 16, 2010


There are some words in the world, that can surely make you wonder... 'where did they came from?', those are mostly my nicknames. For a long while, I thought there is some meaning behind my favorite nickname, but in the end I don't even know if there was any. Some of them are pretty obvious though, yet they always have something special in them.
I want it to keep snowing, I thought... somehow it makes me kind of sleepy... and wondering.
I miss... I don't even know what it is anymore, what do I miss at all? There is surely an answer out there, which is pretty clear to me... yet not clear at all. I'm sad, waiting all this time... all the time...
I wonder why I've decided to write about it... I don't really have an idea... it's like the hole of the donut... when you make it, you can't stop fighting with yourself about the small, last part that left.

When I watch people hanging out together, making projects... I envy them so much. I don't like most humans... I rather hate them and find them dumb... yet somehow when I'm sitting right there, it can be any person I hate...
I envy this happiness... even though I know it's only a lie in the end. Everything has it's breaking point.

My wish for the new year?... I want to start over... I guess. I want to decide things over...
I really don't know. I'd probably just end up here again, wont I? I'm that silly...

I hate actors. I hate them the most.

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